

Walkin’ my A.S. Off for the Month of May

It's May, and you know what that means? It's time to join other spondys and spondy-supporters as all over the world we lace up our best walking shoes and head out on the town to spread awareness of ankylosing spondylitis. It's wild to think that one year ago, when the people, who now feel like… Continue reading Walkin’ my A.S. Off for the Month of May


The things no one tells you when you are diagnosed with a painful chronic illness…

Chronic illness leaves you feeling like you’re letting everyone down—especially yourself. It’s a constant game of adjusting expectations, rethinking assumptions, and regulating hopes. That deadline you’re trying to meet, that show you really wanted to go to, the pile of dishes in your sink, your friends who you want to see… all of these priorities… Continue reading The things no one tells you when you are diagnosed with a painful chronic illness…